Steering the UX Research Discipline Forward at Meta

Steering the UX Research Discipline Forward at Meta

We are pleased to announce that Traci Mehlman from Meta will be joining us at the upcoming UX360 Virtual Summit on January 30 and 31, 2024. With her expertise in UX Research, she will provide valuable insights into the current state and future direction of the field, emphasising the importance of adaptability, leadership, and the integration of AI in UX Research.

UX ResearchTraci Mehlman, Director of Research – Facebook, Meta

Traci is a seasoned professional with 14 years of experience in research and operations. She has a proven track record of driving business growth and a passion for improving operational efficiency in fast-paced and dynamic environments. Traci currently serves as Director of Global Research Operations at Meta. In this role, she leads an organization of 135+ research program managers and analysts who power research infrastructure and policy across Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and more. Previously, Traci worked for companies such as Apple and Genentech and led research for Meta’s business and advertising products.

UX360: Without giving too much away – what is the core message of your talk and what would you like our attendees to remember?

Traci: The rapid pace of change and current economic conditions present challenges for businesses across industries. As UX researchers, we are uniquely situated to help businesses in navigating this new environment. To do this effectively, we must creatively adapt how we work in order to achieve research objectives with even greater efficiency. I hope attendees come away from my talk viewing these challenges as an exciting opportunity to move the UX Research discipline forward.

UX ResearchUX360: How has UX Research as a discipline evolved? What are the challenges for UX Researchers currently and how can they tide over the tough times?

Traci: The UX Research discipline has undergone tremendous change in recent years, which has presented both challenges but also opportunities for growth. For example, the accelerated adoption of remote methodologies post- COVID established a strong foundation for more cost-effective and geographically diverse studies. Similarly, technological advances have greatly expanded our methodological toolkits, enabling us to gather data more efficiently and effectively. Embracing change and remaining strategic, efficient and creative will position us to navigate our current challenges and emerge as a stronger and more indispensable business function.

UX360: What does leadership mean to you? As a leader if there’s one piece of advice you would like to give to up-and-coming UXRs, what would it be?

Traci: Leadership, in my view, centers on collaboration, empathy, and doing right by both the business and the people that we serve. Relatedly, one piece of advice for researchers is to practice perspective-taking when working with colleagues and stakeholders. Understand their objectives, recognize the pressures they face, and consider their constraints. This approach ensures you grasp the big picture, make decisions in line with the organization’s goals, and create compelling narratives. These elements are vital to translating research insights into actionable outcomes.

UX360: You also lead a global Research Operations team. How do you see ReOps as a function within UX and how important is it? Is ReOps getting its due and recognition it deserves.

Traci: Research Operations excels at enhancing efficiency, optimizing resources, and ensuring consistency across the research practice. Its significance is particularly pronounced in the current macroeconomic and regulatory environment. While Operations is gaining recognition as a vital part of research, as we say at Meta, “this journey is 1% finished”. Concretely demonstrating the function’s impact on tangible business outcomes will remain pivotal for sustained recognition and success.

UX360: How does the future of UX Research look and what role will AI play in it?

Traci: UX Research will continue to be shaped by economic, regulatory, and technological advancements. I expect that AI will play a significant role in this process. We’ve already seen huge leaps in leveraging AI to make both qualitative and quantitative data analysis faster and more efficient.  AI also presents a massive opportunity to streamline operational aspects of the research process by, for example, automating aspects of the participant screening process. While we must remain circumspect around its ethical considerations, I anticipate that AI will become an increasingly invaluable tool in enabling UX Research to move faster.

UX360: What motivates you to join UX360 and what are your expectations? Do you have a message for our attendees?

Traci: UX360 is an incredible forum to build community, gain insights from peers and find inspiration. I anticipate walking away with a renewed sense of energy. To fellow attendees, I encourage you to approach this time with an open mind, a collaborative spirit, and a commitment to continuous learning!

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  • Elaine Tham

    Elaine Tham brings a decade of experience in the Event Management and Digital Marketing industry. Throughout her career, Elaine has held marketing roles in various sectors including Marketplace, FMCG and Services. Presently, Elaine serves as the Marketing Manager at Merlien Institute, overseeing all marketing activities and media partnerships.

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Elaine Tham

Elaine Tham brings a decade of experience in the Event Management and Digital Marketing industry. Throughout her career, Elaine has held marketing roles in various sectors including Marketplace, FMCG and Services. Presently, Elaine serves as the Marketing Manager at Merlien Institute, overseeing all marketing activities and media partnerships.

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