QUAL360 Conferences in 2019

QUAL360 Conference Series 2019 – Call for Papers is Now Open!

Merlien Institute is thrilled to announce that the Call for Papers for the QUAL360 Global Qualitative Market Research Conference Series is now open! The conferences will be taking place in North America, Europe and APAC. Recognized by global qual researchers, QUAL360 is one of the most innovative qualitative research conferences that aims at bringing together innovative, creative and stimulating minds at one place to exchange ideas.

Do you have an exciting qualitative research case-study or thought-leading presentations to share?

If you have a great case study, a piece of research or a set of innovative practices that you want to share with the QUAL360 community then we encourage you to submit your paper to the conference. Are you interested in taking qualitative research to a whole new level and future-proof the industry? If yes then we want to hear from you! Inspire others, share knowledge and drive forward best practice in Qualitative Market Research by speaking at QUAL360 2019.

Qualitative Research Conferences in 2019 — Washington D.C., Amsterdam and Singapore

We look forward to accepting exciting papers, case studies and proposals from the global qualitative community to the upcoming conferences. The 2019 dates and venues for QUAL360 events are as follows:

Here are the details of 2019 MRMW events in APAC, North America and Europe:

QUAL360 North America 2019: March 20-21, Washington D.C.

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Submission Deadline: Sep 15, 2018


QUAL360 Europe 2018: May 22-23, Amsterdam

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Submission Deadline: Nov 1, 2018 


QUAL360 APAC 2019: October 9-10, Singapore

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Submission Deadline: Mar 20, 2019




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