Breaking Blue and Canon: hints and tips on how to use insight for public relations

At MRMW North America this month, Paul Albano from Canon and Martin Wootton from Breaking Blue will tell the story of how a market research study has been transformed into a highly effective business tool, used throughout the Canon organisation today.  We’ll explain how research is now driving real, measurable change within Canon, and providing tangible, quantifiable ROI for the marketing team.

Over the last few years, Canon – best known around the world as a leading maker of cameras and printers – has been increasing its presence in Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, capitalising on the fast growing economies and maturing businesses in these regions. But success requires careful preparation – so they commissioned Breaking Blue, international market research specialists, to undertake a research project to explain how businesses in these countries behave, what they think, how they operate.

In a nutshell, we’ll explain how a B2B survey became a global programme reaching 10,000 business customers and supply chain partners, resulting in the launch of published reports, videos, press conferences and social media campaigns.

We’ll focus in particular on what Canon is doing to maximise its internal – and external – reach across Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East, how Canon has built marcomms strategies and activities around it, and the impact this has had. We’ll explain how the value of the research can be calculated and justify the investment.
Equally interestingly, it’s a study based on quantitative and qualitative research in ‘challenging’ countries across Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. So we’ll also give you the benefit of our experience: do’s and don’ts for companies looking to gather insights from these fast growing, but rarely researched locations like Angola, Iran, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia.

We think it’s the perfect case study for providers and users of multi-country insights in any sector.




  • Jasper Lim

    Jasper Lim is the CEO of Merlien Institute. He frequently reviews the state-of-art of the marketing research industry. Apart from his daily work, Jasper serves as an Editorial Board Member for the International Journal of Work Innovation. He is also an accomplished qualitative researcher with several peer-reviewed academic publications to his name.

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Jasper Lim

Jasper Lim is the CEO of Merlien Institute. He frequently reviews the state-of-art of the marketing research industry. Apart from his daily work, Jasper serves as an Editorial Board Member for the International Journal of Work Innovation. He is also an accomplished qualitative researcher with several peer-reviewed academic publications to his name.

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