Introducing the consumer closeness programme at Reckitt Benckiser: Getting stakeholders closer to consumers

The Qual360 Europe 2021 conference is back as a hybrid event on October 20-21 in Berlin. As all our speakers are preparing their upcoming presentations, we are talking to them to find out their core message. This week, we spoke with Kerryn Grunwald, Head of CDI at Reckitt Benckiser Group about her consumer closeness programme

Qual360 Europe: Without giving too much away – what is the core message of your talk and what would you like delegates to remember?

Kerryn: Getting stakeholders closer to consumers has such a powerful impact on them as professionals. Also on how the business operates.


Qual360 Europe: Why did you choose the topic of your talk?

Kerryn: We have seen such a positive response from the consumer closeness programme in the UK. With other countries adopting elements across the globe, I wanted to share this success with others to give inspiration on how they could benefit from a consumer closeness programme.


Qual360 Europe: What motivates you to join QUAL360 2021 and what are your expectations?

Kerryn: Sharing great initiatives and insights as well as networking with insight peers.


Qual360 Europe: There is a lot of talk about the current state of consumer insights and the impact of technology. How would you sum up the current state of the industry in 1-2 sentences?

Kerryn: Insight Research Agencies and also client-side companies are looking to find ways of delivering quality insights at a quicker pace, that is also cost-effective. Technology is at the forefront of this. It is essential that we stay in touch of tools and techniques so that we can keep consumers at the core of what we do.


Qual360 Europe: Share your thoughts on the impact of COVID-19 on qualitative research and the consumer behaviours in general.

Kerryn: Qualitative research has had to take a turn in how it is conducted. We have shifted from F2F focus groups and IDI’s to doing such things virtually. Which we a lot of time miss those key consumer moments that would only happen F2F. Now that things are starting to open up, I am keen to see how we take on the challenge of bringing qual research ‘back to life’, but maintain some of the positives of the virtual qual research such as cost efficiencies.

Qual360 Europe: Thank you very much Kerryn. We look forward to your presentation!


Want to hear about the latest innovations, trends, and techniques in qualitative research? Join Kerryn Grunwald and speakers from UnileverGooglePhilipsL’OréalGSKTik TokNestléWeleda, and many more top-of-the-line companies at Qual360 Europe 2021.


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  • Hazel Loh

    Hazel Loh is the Marketing and Partnership Manager at Merlien Institute. She has over 10 years of experience in the field of corporate events. She is directly involved in Strategic Partnerships, Content Management and Digital Marketing including Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing and Email Marketing.

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Hazel Loh

Hazel Loh is the Marketing and Partnership Manager at Merlien Institute. She has over 10 years of experience in the field of corporate events. She is directly involved in Strategic Partnerships, Content Management and Digital Marketing including Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing and Email Marketing.

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