MRMW North America 2023 – Conference Highlights

We have just concluded our North American leg of our #MRMW conference. Thank you for making this event a big success! We certainly hope that the conference has been all that you expected it to be, and that you have taken the opportunity to learn new techniques, make new friends, renew old acquaintances.

Below is a short video clip of the event highlights! Enjoy.

What does social media say:
“I definitely have conference fomo” – CEO & Founder
“I loved Matt Klein’s presentation! Kept me laughing and I always love a good subreddit. AITA is a favorite for me! Plus the branding of ending with an AMA was awesome.” – Director of Marketing
“Coming off a high from the #MRMW Insights conference where I was able to connect with some of the best and brightest brand leaders and innovators.” – Sr Insights Manager
“as a first-time attendee, I say “WOW” for it all, including the awesome content, great exhibitors, of which there were too few, and wow for the quality of the presenters and attendees” – Vice President
Participant experiences:

Kacey Martino

Senior Marketing Manager
Pepsi Co

“I am impressed by the quality of the people here and the methods and approaches that we’re learning about. We already have a lot of tools and resources, but I feel like everyone I’ve met has brought something new to the table and a different way of thinking. It’s been informative, and we’re excited to see what else is out there.”

Renee Entinghe

Senior Marketing Manager

“I really enjoyed the quality of the speakers, who represent large, diverse companies. They present a lot of different perspectives and ways to think about things. It’s been a great opportunity to step away from day-to-day work and think about the craft of insights. It’s helped me consider how I can improve and help my team do better as we tackle various problems.”

David Gray

Market Researcher

“I think the size of MRMW is important. It’s not too big, so you don’t get lost in a sea of salespeople like me. I believe this benefits the clients as well because they’re in a much more comfortable space. The talk tracks are fantastic, with good speakers and senior people from big companies.”

Jason Wortham

VP of Solutions Consulting

“The audience and attendees have been really engaging. I think the event itself has been fantastic, with very compelling presentations. From an audience participation perspective, it’s been very engaging. From a vendor’s perspective, the traffic has been nice. I love how the event hosts the food and snack sections in the same area as the vendor hall. It helps drive traffic, which is really appreciated from a vendor’s perspective like ours.”

Andrew Seinfeld

Real-time Market Research

“There’s such an intimate relationship between the vendors and the client-side teams that organic conversations naturally occur, something that doesn’t often happen at larger events.”

Katelyn Ferrara

Global Client Development

“The overall size of the event has been helpful. You’re able to have a quick conversation with someone on the first day, then dig in deeper and continue that conversation the next day, unpacking some of the topics you discussed. Obviously, buzzwords like AI and ChatGPT are common topics of conversation as well.”

Michelle Lynn

Global Head of Data Science & Insights

“You can have conversations with people. For instance, the people at my table are friendly. I don’t see a lot of people on their phones or computers, which suggests there’s a lot of engagement.”

Michael Cinque

Global Enterprise Solutions

“I am very pleasantly surprised, both with the quality of the individuals here and the genuine interest from all parties to learn and share ideas. It feels a bit selective. The presentations have also been impressive.”

Takeshi Tawarada

Ads Research & Insights Lead, Augmented Reality
Snap Inc

“MRMW has been a lot of fun so far. I really appreciate the intimacy of the event. Being able to interact with the vendors and my colleagues has been a refreshing change of pace for me, especially after coming out of the pandemic and having to do webinars all the time. This has been a much better experience.”
Key takeaways:
  • (Generative) AI is the hot topic of the season with almost every presentation and discussing touching on it.
  • Everybody – including seasoned market researchers – is still learning, and learning something new at MRMW
  • Foresight is not only looking forward, it is understanding the dynamic tension of the weight of the past, push of the present, & pull of the future.
  • ‘Agility’ is more than a buzzword, allowing you to move with purpose and giving you the space and freedom to fail forward fast.
  • Human truth and empathy remain as important as ever.
A special thank goes to our speakers and our sponsors!


  • Jasper Lim

    Jasper Lim is the CEO of Merlien Institute. He frequently reviews the state-of-art of the marketing research industry. Apart from his daily work, Jasper serves as an Editorial Board Member for the International Journal of Work Innovation. He is also an accomplished qualitative researcher with several peer-reviewed academic publications to his name.

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Jasper Lim

Jasper Lim is the CEO of Merlien Institute. He frequently reviews the state-of-art of the marketing research industry. Apart from his daily work, Jasper serves as an Editorial Board Member for the International Journal of Work Innovation. He is also an accomplished qualitative researcher with several peer-reviewed academic publications to his name.

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