Top 5 Areas Where Conversational Research is Beneficial in 2024

Top 5 Areas Where Conversational Research is Beneficial in 2024: Transforming Consumer Insights with AI

Top 5 Areas Where Conversational Research is Beneficial in 2024: Transforming Consumer Insights with AI

Since the launch of ChatGPT, consumer research has transformed dramatically. Researchers now use AI-powered conversational research to gather consumer feedback with unprecedented efficiency and depth.

Despite its benefits, some companies hesitate to adopt these innovative methodologies. This post highlights key areas of AI-powered research with real-world examples to inspire hesitant companies and provoke new ideas for those already utilizing it.

  1. Enhancing Qualitative Research Efficiency

Traditional qualitative research often faces budget and time constraints, making extensive face-to-face research impractical. This weakens decision-making processes. Conversational AI tools, like, can conduct qualitative fieldwork and analysis more efficiently, saving time, money, and effort.

For instance, a client in the FMCG category completed 100 in-depth interviews in Germany and received an instant comprehensive report within just three days. This rapid process provided profound insights without missing important details.

  1. Expanding Global Reach

A European client entering the LATAM market faced challenges due to a lack of reliable local partners and the high setup costs of traditional research. Using an AI moderator, which speaks 40+ languages, the client completed 60 in-depth interviews in Bolivia and Peru within two days, from their European office. They saved money, time, and effort on travel, translation, and moderation while receiving valuable local market insights.

  1. Achieving Qualitative Depth with Quantitative Validation

A client in the laundry category needed new insights for product ideation but was constrained by time and budget. Within a week, they conducted 100 AI-powered in-depth interviews across the UK and India. This approach provided a list of insights that were already prioritised (!), streamlining the product ideation process.

Due to the larger sample size (100+ interviews), conversational research integrates qualitative depth with quantitative validation. It delivers detailed data on consumer needs and behaviour patterns, enabling instant insight validation.

  1. Improving Quantitative Findings

A client wanted to test new hygiene product concepts for moms both quantitatively and qualitatively but lacked the budget and time for traditional focus groups.

In a project involving 250 in-depth interviews in Kazakhstan, the AI moderator tested 5 concepts within 3-4 days, providing detailed explanations and clear recommendations for concept improvements.

Conversational AI helps understand the “whys” behind the numbers, offering deeper insights into consumer feedback.

  1. A Creative Approach to Qual Research for MRX Agencies

The market’s increasing demand for more creative and innovative research approaches presents a significant challenge for market research agencies.

In a study with 90 in-depth interviews across Germany, Japan, and the USA, AI-powered research inspired the development of an eco-friendly cosmetics project. This approach impressed the client, cut expenses, and strengthened the agency’s connection with current clients while attracting new business.

Why Use for Conversational Research is an AI-powered assistant designed to conduct in-depth interviews at scale and speed, moderating in a human-like manner.

  • Yasna can carry out hundreds of high-quality interviews per day, significantly saving resources on manual moderation.
  • It extracts opinions, needs, attitudes, feelings, and ideas efficiently, providing a deep understanding without direct human interaction.
  • The larger sample size ensures all significant insights uncover crucial details that help outperform competitors.
  •  Yasna speaks over 40 languages, enabling convenient international studies with automatic translations.
  •  The AI agent interacts in a human-like manner, creating a safe space for participants to share deep thoughts and concerns, even on sensitive topics.
  •  Receive automated summaries with storytelling, key findings, and numerical data instead of reading through all transcripts.

Integrating conversational research into your business offers immense benefits. Companies adopting this technology can enhance research capabilities and gain a competitive edge.

Explore how AI research can revolutionize your business now. Whether streamlining qualitative tasks, uncovering new insights, or expanding globally, conversational AI is the future of consumer research.

Embrace AI to stay ahead and discover how can transform your research process, delivering profound insights at scale, speed and fun.

Hear more about the conversational AI tool from Yasna, along with insights from international experts representing Burger King, Nestle, Philips, Givaudan, Warner Bros Discovery, Swarovski, Ikea, Reckitt and many more at MRMW Europe 2024.

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Top 5 Areas Where Conversational Research is Beneficial in 2024


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