The State of AI in Market Research: 2021
97% of market researchers say they will likely adopt new virtual techniques in the long-term that will enable them to conduct virtual research, according to …
Leading the Technology Revolution in Market Research and Qualitative Techniques
97% of market researchers say they will likely adopt new virtual techniques in the long-term that will enable them to conduct virtual research, according to …
Making Invisible Worlds Visible. Before we talk about the future of market research and the power of the implicit brain we have to talk about …
The world of Gen Z is quite fascinating, and many people would like to get a glimpse into this world to better understand their characteristics …
As consumer needs are evolving at a record pace, CPG companies must be able to follow suit 2020 is year that will go down in …
The changes caused by the pandemic over the past year have made it very challenging for marketers to know how to reach out to consumers. …
Feedback from our Qual360 Europe event last week showed that many participants were surprised by the positive energy and creative stimulus that has gripped the …
What makes successful companies with 100 years of history adjust their business model and become more consumer-centric? Today, more and more companies realize the need …
With the year turning into 2021, our hopes and desires are all renewed (at least for most of us). New perspectives are on the table, …
In the run-up to MRMW 2021, we spoke with one of the key speakers, Mac Smith, Head of User Research, Core Search at Google about his challenging …
Never before have I experienced such strong fatigue among people at the beginning of the year as now in January 2021. No matter whether among …