Enhancing Market Research: Optimize Your Toolkit for Efficiency and Quality

Elevating Market Insights: Refine Tools for Efficiency & Value

Market research with tools kitYas ParchizadehFoundational Insights Manager at eBay

Yas has worked across the marketing spectrum in global roles within the UK and Germany, specialising in insights. Currently, Yas is working as a Foundational Insights Manager within the Global Consumer Insights team at eBay, igniting growth by championing the voice of the consumer. Prior to entering the tech industry, she worked within the energy sector at one of Europe’s largest operators. Yas believes research has always been an essential catalyst for impactful change and at the core of strategic decision-making.

Qual 360: Without giving too much away – what is the core message of your talk and what would you like delegates to remember?

Yas Parchizadeh: The importance of spending time on managing, maintaining, and optimising your market research toolkit in order to drive efficiency, quality standards and add incremental value.

Qual 360: What motivates you to join the Qual360 Europe conference, and what are your expectations?

Yas Parchizadeh: Industry events such as Qual360 provide a platform for exchange of ideas and learnings, both from client and agency sides. Participation helps keep me up to date with current trends, grow my network and brainstorm new ways of approaching qualitative research.

Qual 360: What is the place of qualitative research today, and where do you see the industry heading?

Yas Parchizadeh: Market research is an ever-evolving industry, especially given recent changes, the potential for growth is exponential. I believe automation of manual tasks, rapid turnaround times, and a stronger confluence of data sources will evolve the industry. However, there is a lot of work to be done to keep data quality and governance at the forefront, which are crucial for accurate analysis.

Market research with tools kitQual 360: What do you consider to be the 3 essential elements of the qualitative research toolkit today?

Yas Parchizadeh:

  1. Interviews for in-depth information and perspectives.
  2. Applying coding techniques to categorise and analyse qualitative data, facilitating the identification of patterns and themes.
  3. Triangulation – using multiple data sources/methods to cross-verify and validate qualitative finding, enhancing the reliability of the research.
Qual 360: How are you tackling the challenge of big data to ensure new qualitative insights?

Yas Parchizadeh:

  1. First and foremost, defining research objectives clearly.
  2. Then identifying and determining which data sources contain valuable qualitative information, making sure to clean and pre-process the data to remove noise and ensure data quality.
  3. Utilising NLP techniques to help extract sentiments, topic modelling and other qualitative insights.
  4. Adding contextual analysis to elevate insights to actionable recommendations.
Qual 360: Apart from work, what should delegates talk to you about at Qual360 Europe– do you have any particular personal interests, hobbies or extracurricular activities and engagements?

Yas Parchizadeh: Anything, I’m very approachable! Always open to learning more about emerging techniques, or best market research practises across different industries. My personal interests outside of work include travelling and swimming.

If you would like to hear more about the use of big data in qualitative research, check out the upcoming Qual360 Europe and North America editions. All quoted speakers will present live at the Qual360 Europe edition on February 22&23 in Berlin.

Market research with tools kit


  • Elaine Tham

    Elaine Tham brings a decade of experience in the Event Management and Digital Marketing industry. Throughout her career, Elaine has held marketing roles in various sectors including Marketplace, FMCG and Services. Presently, Elaine serves as the Marketing Manager at Merlien Institute, overseeing all marketing activities and media partnerships.

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Elaine Tham

Elaine Tham brings a decade of experience in the Event Management and Digital Marketing industry. Throughout her career, Elaine has held marketing roles in various sectors including Marketplace, FMCG and Services. Presently, Elaine serves as the Marketing Manager at Merlien Institute, overseeing all marketing activities and media partnerships.

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